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Lipsk - Tourist attractions

Cemetery of the Roman Catholic Parish of St. Mary of the Angels in Lipsk
Cemetery of the Roman Catholic Parish of St. Mary of the Angels in Lipsk, founded in 1825 on a rectangular plan. Located on a hill, in the south-eastern part of the village.

Church of Our Lady of the Angels in Lipsk
A Roman Catholic Parish (nowadays of Our Lady of the Angels) in Lipsk came into being in 1582. The first churches were made of wood, two of them bunt: the first in 1737, the second in 1857.

Easter Eggs Museum in Lipsk
Lipsk near the Biebrza River is situated next to the Belarus boarder in neighborhood of Biebrza National Park. The town is undoubtedly an important centre of Easter egg tradition common for Pojezierze Suwalsko-Augustowskie.

Easter Eggs of Lipsk
Lipsk Easter Eggs are made by putting a heated wax on the egg’s shell by a thin nail or a pin.

Jewish cemetery in Lipsk
Jewish cemetery in Lipsk founded in late 18th century on a rectangular plan similar to a square. Located in the north-eastern part of the town, now urbanised, on a small hill.

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