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Cemetery of the Parish of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Trzcianne

Cemetery of the Parish of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Trzcianne, founded in early 19th century – first burial in 1812. Built on a semi-rectangular plan. Situated approx. 300 m from the church, by the road from Trzcianne to Downary. The oldest gravestone dates back to 1866, inscriptions illegible. Another interesting gravestone is a cast iron monument in the form of a tapering obelisk on a cast iron pedestal, originally topped with a cross. The side walls have a framing and a cross in the upper section. The monument belongs to the Ołdakowski family and dates back to 1887. The panels have inscriptions: the main one – originally under the cross – is a laurel crown with the date 1887, below the inscription: THE GRAVE/ OF THE OŁDAKOWSKI/ FAMILY/ PASSERS-BY, PLEASE SIGH TO GOD. The next panel: DYONIZY/ LIVED 64 YEARS/ DIED ON 31ST SEPTEMBER 1850/ HIS WIFE/ PAULINA/ OF THE HOUSE RUKIEWICZ/ LIVED 58 YEARS/ DIED ON 10TH JULY 1861, next: JÓZEF/ GARDECKI/ LIVED 64 YEARS/ DIED IN MARCH 1875/ WIKTORYJA/ RUKIEWICZ/ LIVED 65 YEARS/ DIED ON 1ST MARCH 1877 (this type of obelisk can be found in a Catholic cemetery in Próżana – the gravestone of Ferdynand Leżeński from 1859, or in Grodno – the gravestone of Julian Borowski from 1886). Historically important monuments: a cast iron gravestone of Fr. Paweł Tronczyński, rector of Trzcianne d. 1877. The inscription reads: PAWEŁ TRONCZYŃSKI/ RECTOR OF TRZCIANNE/ LIVED 48 YEARS/ DIED ON 22ND JANUARY/ 1877; the gravestone of rector Edward Pietkiewicz d. 1911; a couple dozen of historic gravestones, mostly cast iron and iron crosses on stone pedestals. Noteworthy: cast iron crosses and gravestones from Sztabin Steelworks. By the gate there are numerous cast iron crosses atop stone pedestals, including a destroyed cross with an oval plaque reading: FOR THE DEAD SOULS OF/ BENEDYKT MARYANNA/ AND TERESA GRYGO/ AND THE BROTHERS AND SISTERS AND THE ENTIRE FAMILY. I ASK FOR THREE HAIL MARYS. FOUNDER/ IGNACY GRYGO 1879; the gravestone of the Popławski family from 1880, a modest cross with a plaque reading: ALEKSANDRA/ WEJDA/ LIVED 18 YEARS. KILLED BY A BOLSHEVIK’S GRENADE ON 6TH AUGUST 1920/ ASKS FOR A HAIL MARY; an openwork, cast iron cross on a granite pedestal, without inscriptions – a vanitas motif with an hourglass in the lower part of the vertical beam; a gravestone made of sandstone in the form of an arch surmounted with a cross, inside the arch a solid statue of a woman. This monument is dedicated to Maria and Władysław Ołdakowski and dates back to 1891/1909. There is a two-part plaque with the inscription: MARJA OŁDAKOWSKA/ MAIDEN NAME GRODZKA/ DIED ON 21ST MARCH 1891/ LIVED 40 YEARS/ WŁADYSŁAW/ OŁDAKOWSKI/ DIED ON 4TH JANUARY 1906/ LIVED 72 YEARS/ MAY THEIR ASHES REST IN PEACE/ I ASK FOR A HAIL MARY. An incomplete openwork cast iron cross, filled with acanthus and tracery motif. The vertical beam has a statue of an angel supporting Jesus on his cross, in the lower part of the beam there is a vanitas motif (see: churchyard cemetery in Krasnybór). Another elaborately decorated yet incomplete sandstone monument stands on a rock pedestal, has a laurel crown and plant motifs with an inscription written on an unfolded scroll: WALERIA KASPAROWICZ OF THE HOUSE SICKIEWICZ/ DIED ON 7TH JULY 1892/ LIVED 55 YEARS/ THIS MEMORIAL WAS PLACED BY HER LOVING HUSBAND AND CHILDREN/ WHO ASK FOR THREE HAIL MARYS. The oldest part of the cemetery, situated in the south-western corner, is neglected and overgrown with self-sown plants. Many graves and gravestones have illegible inscriptions,  are damaged or shattered, many gravestones are incomplete. A cheerful and touching decorative element on one of the crosses is a drinking trough for birds.
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